How Much Money Do You Make As A Beachbody Coach?


Do you want to know a little secret about me that I haven't shared with anyone except my family?

You do? Okay good, keep reading then.
Now please understand what you are going read is not to brag or boast. I hate talking about money because growing up, we really didn't have any. My mom was a single parent trying to make ends meet and give my sister and I everything we could, so that we would fit in.

So back to the question, how much do I make as a Beachbody Coach?

It varies month to month and week to week. But, I make enough money being a Beachbody Coach to pay for my STUDENT LOANS every month!!!
You're probably thinking big deal I make enough to pay for my car, phone, insurance, student loans and apartment. Well yeah you probably do and that is awesome! But the money I make being a coach is just extra money that I make aside from nannying. How nice would it be to have an extra $100, $200 or $500 a month that you could use it on bills, vacation or put it away and save it!

Here is what I made for the month of August and the beginning of September! And its all by helping people live a healthier lifestyle and encouraging them!

DescriptionStart DateEnd DateCommission (BP)Commissions(Your Currency)
 WE 09/10/14  09/04/2014  09/10/2014   0.00   
 WE 09/03/14  08/28/2014  09/03/2014   143.86   0.00 
 WE 08/27/14  08/21/2014  08/27/2014   0.00   0.00 
 WE 08/20/14  08/14/2014  08/20/2014   111.47   111.47 
 WE 08/13/14  08/07/2014  08/13/2014   97.47   97.47 
 WE 08/06/14  07/31/2014  08/06/2014   169.44   169.44 

If you dont know this about me, I've went to 4 different colleges in a matter of 2 years. Yeah scary right? The first school I went to (Niagara University) I went for Hospitality Management. I wanted to be a wedding planner, and as much as I still would love to plan other peoples weddings ALL DAY EVERYDAY, I knew that I didnt want to spend 80 hours a week away from my future family-- so I racked up about $13,000 of debt from one semester there. Went to Alfred University and the Art Institute of Pittsburgh built up more debt (Im not sure the amount anymore because I have paid that off). And lastly decided to go to a Community College and get my Marketing degree and I now have DEBT from there.

Lets be honest for a second, in today's society everyone has debt, everyone is struggling and everyone has a credit card to help make things easier. 

Well I don't want to be that person. Credit Cards scare the CRAP out of me. Every time one comes in the mail, I put it in the garbage IMMEDIATELY!! I dont want to be in debt, miserable because I cant do things that I enjoy! Being a Beachbody Coach gives me that extra cash so that I can get out of debt and so that I do not need to ever use a credit card!

So for all my friends, family, and customers who trust my advice and knowledge about fitness, Shakeology and Beachbody programs... I THANK YOU! Your belief in me is helping me continue to stay on the DEBT FREE path!

So now that I let you in on one of the most personal things in my life, my question for you is...
Are you ready to take control of your life?
Pay off some bills?
Get in better shape?

If you want to find out more about what I do, find me on Facbook: and send me a quick message! 

xo, Kaitlyn

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