What Do I Make Someone For Their 21st Birthday?


Of course when it is someones 21st birthday they expect alcohol. But I think its boring to go out and buy someone a bottle of alcohol. It's impersonal its just not my style!

I put together this bucket for one of my friends!

What you'll need: 

  • bucket (people call it the puke bucket)
  • florist styrofoam block (the green things that you stick flowers into) (I got a half moon shaped one so that I wouldn't have to cut any of the block.
  • long wooden dowels 
  • crafting glue
  • glitter
  • sparkly sticker foam stars
  • hot glue gun 
  • shots of alcohol
  • tissue paper
How to make: 
  1. Take crafting glue and apply it onto the wooden dowels (make sure that the glue is applied to the dowel evenly (I used my fingers to rub the glue onto the sticks))
  2. Sprinkle the glitter all over the stick. (I used a paper plate to let all the extra glitter fall onto. All the access glitter that didn't go onto the stick I put back into the glitter container) Let the sticks dry overnight.
  3. To put the 21 on the bucket-- I picked out the size and font on the computer that I wanted them to be. Then I printed the numbers, cut them out and traced them on the bucket with a sharpie and colored it in. 
  4. The next day after the glue and sparkles dried on the dowels you can hot glue the alcohol shots onto the dowels. I also hot glued the sparkly stars onto the dowels. They will dry very quick, 5-10 minutes.
  5. I put the florist styrofoam block into the bucket, put tissue paper in the bucket to make it look fancier, and started putting the wooden dowels with alcohol and stars around in the bucket.The dowel that are in the back of the bucket you should make them stand taller and the sticks in the front, you should push them down farther into the foam. (if you have too much tissue paper in one area it can be harder to poke the dowel in, but I just moved the paper, pushed the dowel in, and moved the tissue paper back)

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