I got hired to make someone a wreath. My first project that I have ever been hired for, so its pretty EXCITING!!!
My requirements for the project:
Lace (optional)
Letter "D"
This is the picture that I got inspired from:
I have only made one other type of wreath that I posted farther down on my blog. So I was very nervous to make this wreath, since I had no experience. Not to mention someone was paying me to make it and they were giving it to someone as a wedding gift. They will be putting it on the presents table for everyone to see.... SCARY!!!
So I went out and bought all the materials:
Cream Fabric
A letter "D"
My first step was putting the twine all around the letter. It can be tricking making sure that the entire letter is covered, so I just pulled some string over to empty spots to make sure that the letter was covered. I used crafting glue to glue the letter down.
I then decided to make the little swirls out of burlap. Which was pretty easy: I cut a piece of burlap ( I did not measure, I never really do, I just eyeball the material), folded it in half and then started rolling it.
The burlap flowers were a little tricky, I have to say. I watched a youtube video. They used burlap ribbon, and I just used burlap. Since it was frayed on the ends it made it a little harder than I thought it would be. But in the end I like that my flowers were frayed, it gives it more of a rustic feel.
These are my burlap flowers and rolled burlap!
Next I knew that I needed to make white swirl flowers to go in between the burlap flowers. So I did the same thing to the white swirls, as I did to the burlap swirls. I cut material, folded it in half and hot glued it together. Then I just started rolling it. But I didn't roll the white material too tight. I wanted to look loose and kind of messy.
This is what the rolled white flowers look like when finished.
Once I had all the pieces I started arranging them onto the wreath. When I looked at the photo I thought there was a bunch of rolled white flowers all around it, but I realized they strategically placed fabric in between the white flowers and burlap flowers to give it a messy, shabby feel.
I decided to put a white rose on the "D". I followed the same directions for the burlap roses as I did for the white flower on the "D".
All of the flowers are glued on with hot glue. I also put the "D" on with hot glue and fishing line, it gives a little more support to the "D" but you cant see that it is on it!
My pictures that I took kinda suck, but here is the FINISHED PRODUCT!!