NO!! No, Beachbody is not a pyramid scheme.
First of all, pyramid schemes are illegal.
There are probably a couple of company's that you can name right now, that you think are a pyramid scheme and illegal, but really they arent.
Beachbody is actually called Network Marketing, or MLM (Multi Level Marketing).
A pyramid scheme is when you keep adding people to your "team" just to make money and your aren't receiving product in exchange.
With Beachbody there IS an exchange for the money you are giving them. You give them money and you will receive the Shakeology you ordered or the P90x DVD you ordered.
I make NO money from adding coaches to my team. I could add 50 coaches to my team and not make a dime. The only time I will make money off coaches signing up under me, is when I help those coaches succeed.
This is probably what you think about when you think of a pyramid scheme right?!
I am the CEO of my own business. I dont have people telling me when I need to work, and what I am doing wrong. I DECIDE.
Okay, so now you might be thinking.. well then why do you sign people/coaches under you? Why is Beahcbody making it look like a pyramid scheme? Why cant Beachbody just have a place where all the coaches sign up and you dont have to sign up under someone.
Heres why: A LONGGGG time ago, the founders of Beachbody (Carl Daikeler and Jon Congdon) started the business but they didnt want to advertise the product, they wanted others to sell the product who had used it and had gotten REAL results. Daikeler and Congdon wanted the results to speak for themselves. Therefore, coaches came about. These "coaches" had used the products and had gotten real results from the product, they were sharing their weight loss journey with other people who then became interested and wanted to also try the product.
When you sign up to become a coach, it doesn't mean that the coach higher than you will make more money than you or tell you what to do. That coach above you is showing you everything that you should be doing and helping you get started with your own business, they act as a MENTOR to you, not boss.
As far as the coach above you makes more money than you, that is completely FALSE. You are your own boss, you decide how much work and effort you will put into this business. If you work harder than the coach above you and you are more consistent, you can make more money than your upline coach. There are many coaches in Beachbody who pass their upline coaches income because they are more dedicated to helping people reach results.
Not that this business is a race, but my point is that you are not told who much you can make, you dont have a boss down your throat all day watching your move and making sure you are helping (X) number of people. You decide.